Events Calendar

Adult Vacation Bible School
Save the date for Zion’s Adult Vacation Bible School!!
This event will take place on July 29-31, 2024, from 9 am to noon each day.
Sign Up Here: https://zion-lc.squarespace.com/adult-vacation-bible-school
The theme is “Liturgy and the Natural World” and we will explore nature and liturgy. Our guest speaker, Rev. Dr. Benjamin M. Stewart serves as Distinguished Affiliate Faculty at the Lutheran School of Theology at Chicago and as Pastor to Emmanuel Lutheran Church, Two Harbors, Minnesota. A recent migrant to Duluth, Minnesota, Ben is a member of the North American Academy of Liturgy and contributes to its Ecology and Liturgy Seminar. He is the author of A Watered Garden: Christian Worship and Earth’s Ecology (2011).
Session Summary:
According to the Bible, the universe is like a cosmic choir where stars sing for joy, trees clap their hands, and waters roar hymns of praise. Humans – among the youngest of earth’s species – are sometimes like latecomers to choir practice, learning from other creatures how to “join their unending hymn.” In this crucial ecological moment, we take a journey to four destinations to help us reimagine our communal liturgies and our daily rituals for the life of the world: the whole cosmos; the cycle of night and day; the sacraments; and our bodies themselves as sacred ground.
Rev. Dr. Benjamin M. Stewart

Lenten Soup Supper
Join us for a cozy soup supper before our Wednesday evening Lenten service at 7:00 pm. All are welcome.

Lenten Soup Supper
Join us for a cozy soup supper before our Wednesday evening Lenten service at 7:00 pm. All are welcome.

Lenten Soup Supper
Join us for a cozy soup supper before our Wednesday evening Lenten service at 7:00 pm. All are welcome.

Lenten Soup Supper
Join us for a cozy soup supper before our Wednesday evening Lenten service at 7:00 pm. All are welcome.

Lenten Soup Supper
Join us for a cozy soup supper before our Wednesday evening Lenten service at 7:00 pm. All are welcome.

Ash Wednesday Evening Service
Join us for Ash Wednesday services and we begin our spiritual journey through Lent. All are welcome.

Annual Meeting
Zion’s Annual Meeting will be held on Sunday, February 4th after the 9:30 am worship service, allowing for a short break between the end of the service and the beginning of the annual congregational meeting. Key items to be addressed and voted on at this meeting by members in good standing include the approval of the proposed annual budget for 2024 and election of new church council members.