
At Zion Lutheran Church, we believe service is central to living out our faith.

But be doers of the word and not merely hearers who deceive themselves. For if any are hearers of the word and not doers, they are like those who look at themselves in a mirror; for they look at themselves and, on going away, immediately forget what they were like.  But those who look into the perfect law, the law of liberty, and persevere, being not hearers who forget but doers who act—they will be blessed in their doing.

~James 1: 22-25

Many offer their time and skills to keep our busy congregation running, others offer their musical gifts for our Sunday morning worship, and others teach children and adults what it means to follow Jesus.

Beyond our walls:

  • Goosetown Food Pantry serves nearly 40 families in our area while others volunteer monthly to prepare and serve meals at Iowa City Free Lunch.

  • Our Mental Health Ministry team engages the congregation in important conversations around supporting our own mental health and that of our family, friends, and neighbors.

  • Our Social Justice Community Action helps engage the congregation with the important work of several nonprofit agencies in Johnson County.

  • Our Global Missions Team keeps us connected to our sister church in Lambo, Tanzania, the crisis in Palestine, and the plight of immigrants in our country.

Teams & Committees

Service & Outreach

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  • Is dedicated to supporting and participating in global mission efforts, extending the congregation's impact beyond local borders.

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  • Is committed to promoting mental health awareness, support, and resources within the congregation and the wider community.

  • Actively engages in initiatives and projects aimed at addressing social issues and promoting justice within the local community.

Leadership & Infrastructure

  • The governing body overseeing the congregation's overall direction and decision-making processes.

  • Focuses on the long-term financial health and support of the congregation through the management of endowed funds.

  • Responsible for managing and overseeing the financial aspects of the congregation, ensuring fiscal responsibility and sustainability.

  • Nurtures a sense of community and connection through the shared enjoyment and care of the church garden space.

  • Fosters positive relationships within the congregation, addressing concerns and promoting a sense of unity.

  • Dedicated to the well-being and support of the church staff, addressing personnel matters and fostering a healthy work environment.

  • Oversees the maintenance and development of the church's physical facilities and grounds.

  • Encourages members to actively participate in the life of the congregation and steward their gifts for the greater good.

Worship Planning & Support

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  • Collaborates to organize and enhance worship services, ensuring a meaningful and spiritually enriching experience for the congregation.

Sunday Morning Volunteer Opportunities

  • Welcome visitors and members prior to worship.

  • This person assures that all the members scheduled to work on a given Sunday are present and prepared to work; additional tasks as needed throughout the service.

  • Read the two assigned weekly lessons from the pulpit.

  • Assist with communion during the service.

  • Hand out bulletins prior to the service, take offering, and release each row to take communion.

  • Offer prayers of the congregation and the wider church during worship.

  • Prepare communion elements prior to worship and clean up communion elements after the service.

  • Prepare coffee and any food prior to the worship service.

  • Host the after-service coffee hour and do clean up.

Sunday Morning Education Opportunities

  • Be a teacher or assistant.

  • Plan, promote, support, put on, and evaluate learning programs.

Special Events

  • Help plan and put on this annual event.

  • Help plan and put on 2-3 intergenerational events each year.

  • Help plan and put on the program.

  • Help put on the German Christmas Service.

Other Education Opportunities

  • Teach, help, or provide food to students and EWALU staff.

  • Coordinate or assist in planning and putting on adult VBS.

  • Be a mentor or guide.

  • Helps members grow toward spiritual and emotional wholeness using the 12 Step process and the wisdom of the Enneagram.

Music Opportunities

Specialized Work Opportunities

  • Folding bulletins, preparing mailings, etc.

Health & Caring Ministry Opportunities

  • Identify and support the hospitality and food preparation needs of Zion and ensure that the necessary equipment and supplies are available in the kitchen and refreshed as needed.

  • Serve and host lunches for funerals at Zion.

  • Prepare meals once a month during the academic year for student members of Lutheran Campus Ministry.

  • Visit a person or family with home-cooked meals or food to help them get through a time of illness, surgery, bereavement, or celebrating the birth of a child.

  • Work with the Director of Christian Education to plan for Sunday School, Vacation Bible School, Christmas program or other ministries that reach out to children, youth and families in the congregation.

  • A cooperative program of churches and non-profits in the Iowa City area. Zion provides this meal the second Monday of each month. Zion members provide desserts (cookies, bars) and juice, and a rotation of members are scheduled to (a) assemble the meals on Sunday afternoon; (b) heat up the meals Monday morning at 10:30; (c) deliver the meals; and (d) serve a noon meal and clean up.

  • A cooperative program between Zion Lutheran Church, Horace Mann Elementary School, and HACAP that provides fresh, frozen, and shelf-stable food to school families. Each week food bags are packed and then delivered. Volunteer positions include people to unload the delivery truck, pack the groceries, and deliver the food.

  • Fight hunger both locally and abroad through avenues such as the Crisis Center Food Bank, Bread for the World, ELCA World Hunger, and the annual Crop Walk.

  • Visit and share Holy Communion for Zion homebound members.

  • Work with the pastors to visit or call on members who have been hospitalized or sick.

  • Help to lead efforts and increase members’ interest in global mission issues through adult forums and other educational opportunities.

  • Help to lead efforts and increase members’ interest in global mission issues adult forums and other educational opportunities.

  • Foster contact with Zion's companion congregation in Tanzania as well as facilitate planning of trips to Tanzania or visitors from Lambo to lowa. Team also works to educate and create interest in Lambo's culture and people to keep this relationship visible and strong in our congregation.

  • Zest is enthusiastic about caring for God’s creation and informing others on how to reduce their impact on the environment. ZEST provides adult education opportunities, and volunteers have presented on topics such as climate change, recycling, food waste, etc. ZEST also recommends items to be purchased for congregational activities.

  • Through adult education, committee members inform themselves and the congregation about social justice issues that affect minorities, marginalized people, and those living in poverty.

  • Help Zion members learn about mental health issues and encourage advocacy and support for those affected by mental illness.

  • Gather to knit or crochet shawls and Lutheran World Relief baby kits, which include baby blankets, booties, and sweaters. We also provide hats to Horace Mann School. No experience necessary; we will teach you.

  • Meet on Wednesday morning at 9:30 to put together quilts and sew and tie them. No experience is necessary.

  • Meet Fridays at 9:30 through Zoom. Anyone welcome.

Service Board

  • Serve on the LCM board as it supports a Lutheran presence at the University of Iowa.