From the Desk of Pastor Marsha, January 16, 2025

What’s Happening 1.16.2025

On behalf of all the staff here at Zion, we want to say a big thank you to the congregation, who were so generous in giving us our Christmas gift, which was shared amongst the staff. Your staff always works hard throughout the year, but especially during the holidays.

We put together ten worship services during the month of December this year. Some of which included quite a bit of extra music from our various choirs and musicians. The directors and pianists had to do extra planning and rehearsals to prepare their choirs and music. Kari had to prepare all those bulletins. Kevin had to record, edit, and put online all those videos. Nick assisted our volunteers who put up all the amazing decorations we had throughout the sanctuary and the building, set up and take down the tables for the extra meals, as well as the extra cleaning that needed to be done. Most of them quietly serve behind the scenes, not complaining, because they know they are part of a bigger picture of sharing the good news of Jesus’ love through worship and fellowship at this special time of year.

This is pretty much how they work throughout the whole year. When they come to church, or are working from home, they diligently carry out the duties they have been assigned. They step up when extra work is needed without complaining when a funeral pops up, when the sound system crashes and needs to be replaced, and when we change over to a new bookkeeping system, they get their instructions and do what needs to be done.

I know the church ministry gets carried out with many, many hands, but it is good to occasionally say thank you to the staff who do a lot of the heavy lifting, who are here when everyone else has gone home, or before anyone else gets here, much of which most people do not see. Again, thank you for your generosity as well as all the support you give us as we carry out our responsibilities.
                                                                                                 ~Pastor Marsha


From the Desk of Pastor Marsha, February 20, 2025


From the Desk of Pastor Marsha, January 9, 2025