From the Desk of Pastor Marsha

What’s Happening August 8th

Just around the corner our young people will be headed back to school, from littles to

college students. We thought it would be great to find a way to offer our prayers and

support for them as they begin their new school year. Often time churches will try and

do a blessing of the backpacks, which is a great idea. But I have found that when I have

tried it, families are so focused on preparing their children for school, they miss the day

the church offers for the blessing.

So instead, we did some brainstorming and decided to have a sticker printed up that

they could put on their water bottles, since almost all children, from preschool to college

now, have their own water bottles. It will say “You are loved” with our church logo on it.

To remind them that they are in our prayers, and that God and we love them and

support them in their new school year. They will be available starting Sunday 18 th , on

which we will have a prayer lifted up for them in our worship, and then I will announce

that they can pick up their sticker following worship in the narthex.

We are printing up 100, so after a few weeks if there are still some available, anyone is

welcome to take one and use it on their water bottle to remind themselves that “They

are loved”.

But this is also a reminder, to lift up our young people in your own prayers as they start

back to school. For some a really fun and exciting time, for others a little more stressful,

especially is they are starting at a new school. Let us also pray for our school teachers,

who work extremely hard with limited resources to shape our young people and share

their knowledge.

~Pastor Marsha




From the Desk of Pastor Marsha