From the Desk of Pastor Marsha
What’s Happening 3.28.24
As you may have seen in last week’s e-news, or this week’s, is the announcement that the condensed video of the Lombard event from February 10 is finally complied together and there is a link in the e-news to that video. The accompanying handbooks that Lombard distributed with the event are also available and on the Resource table in the narthex outside the sanctuary.
We have almost 60 people there that day and most felt it was a great discussion. In looking at the surveys following the event, there were many appreciative comments. When asked, “What that the workshop was most helpful or meaningful for you?, here were some of the responses. “I liked the opportunities for Zion members to air some of their concerns about communications and their hope for improvements.” “It gave definitions for individual’s and group’s responsibilities to each other, and the expectation sone might have of the other.” “Learning a little about diversity and conflict in the Bible-its nota new ting to Zion!”
What I found most interesting was the suggestions that were offered when asked about future activities at Zion related to the workshop. Just about everyone suggested that we need to continue to build on what we learned that day.
“I think we just touched the top of the iceberg. As difficult as it is to address, I feel identifying divisive issues and finding ways to move forward together is critical for the health and continuation of our congregation.”
“I think it is important that we continue to review and lift up the strategies and information that we have learned in the worship. Perhaps we could have a quarterly refresher activity of some kind that helps us remember, practice and continue to learn.”
“We need more practice at talking about issues that divide us. It would help to have events with a format similar to the workshop, with both small group and large group discussion.”
I wholeheartedly agree that we need to continue to build upon what we learned at this workshop. For those who were there, but even more importantly for those who couldn’t be there. For Zion to truly learn healthy habits and practices a good majority need to be exposed to these ideas and processes. And we need to keep learning and practicing.
I encourage you if you weren’t able to be there to take the time, even if in small intervals to watch the video, and to review the handbook they provided for us.
As well, to take the time to participate in upcoming events that we will be arranging so that we can grow to be a healthier congregation, that all will feel welcome to participate in the life of the congregation.