From the Desk of Pastor Marsha
What’s Happening…Jan 11, 2024
As you may have heard, we are currently working with a website designer who is creating our new Zion Lutheran website. It has been a lot of work, with Kari, Kevin Hoyland, Roger Hileman, and me, meeting on a weekly basis for usually a couple of hours, to get updates, discuss choices, make suggestions, and learn how good websites are created and managed. We recently went through a training session that covered many of the basics of managing the site. That session was recorded, so as others volunteer to help, training will be available for them to get started. Roger Hileman is one of the first to volunteer to help manage this site, but I know others have said they are willing to assist as well.
I think many will be pleased with the new layout, as well as the new additions that will help keep, any and all, informed with much of what is going on at Zion. It will be very helpful for members of the congregation to know where to go to answer questions and find out what’s happening at Zion each and every day. But it will also be very helpful for people looking for a new church home. It will let people know that Zion is alive, well and doing vital ministry.
Our launch date is tentatively scheduled for Jan 22, so be watching the e-news for when it actually goes live. Especially if you use the site to gain access to our live or recorded worship services. As well, we have volunteers and staff working on setting up a new Facebook page and an Instagram account to continue growing our communication abilities. Some of you may be wondering what Instagram is, and some of you may say “I don’t use Facebook”. That’s okay. The over all goal is to use multiple social media tools to reach all different generations and preferences of our congregation and those in our community.
Nowadays there are many different ways to communicate with people, which means organizations have to use at least a handful of these tools to really make sure we connect with as many people as possible. We will continue the weekly e-news, and an occasional real letter, but hopefully if you missed reading the weekly e-news you can find the same information and more on the Webpage. If you want to look back at one of my pastor’s articles you will be able to access those. And if you are under 30, you will find us on Instagram to see what is the latest that is happening at Zion. And if you are a Facebook scroller, you will see pictures of past events and announcements of upcoming events regularly in your feed.
I am excited to see all these tools fall into place for Zion. I truly believe we will be able to communicate so much better when we start utilizing all these different pieces, and that will only enhance our ministry efforts and growth. ~Pastor Marsha