From the Desk of Pastor Marsha

What’s Happening 1.18.24

For our Lenten mid-week services this year we are doing things a bit differently. Though as I understand it has been done before, therefore there is precedence. Also, I know there are plenty of gifted people who would be great. We are asking lay members to step up and share a devotion on the question, “Where do I see Jesus?”

So, if you have given 100 speeches and know you would really enjoy it, please let me know.
Or, if you have never given a speech, but think it might be interesting to try, please let me know.
Or, if you have shared a devotion or faith talk before, even better, please let me know.
I will be happy to give you some coaching points if you think it might help. But again, let me know.

We are also asking for volunteers to lead the liturgy during those weeks as well. I know of a number of Zion members who used to serve as liturgists, so some of you already have
experience, but anyone is welcome to volunteer, experience or not. The liturgy we are using is the same as last year’s, Behold Our Light, by Aaron David Miller.

One of the reasons are doing it this year is that I, Pastor Marsha, need to have foot surgery. And while it is not a major surgery, I’m not allowed to bear weight for 6 weeks, so I am in need of some assistance during our Lenten season. But I also think this is a great opportunity for members of our congregation to share their gifts with each other.

Here are the Wednesday dates that we need a speaker and a liturgist.
Feb 21
Feb 28
March 6
March 13
March 20.

Please email me at or you can call the office if you have any questions.
Thank you for prayerfully considering this ministry opportunity. ~ Pastor Marsha

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From the Desk of Pastor Marsha


From the Desk of Pastor Marsha